The Communique Issued by the Joint Meeting of the Leaderships of “the SDC, SDF and the Autonomous Administration”

On June 11th, 2022 and in the presence of the General Command of the Syrian Democratic Forces, the leadership of the Syrian Democratic Council and the presidency of the Executive Council of the Autonomous Administration, the three leaderships held an extraordinary joint meeting to assess the situation and discuss developments in the region and the recent Turkish threats against northern and eastern Syria, the positions of international powers and methods to confront these threats.

The meeting began with a minute of silence for souls of the martyrs, and then the General Command of the Syrian Democratic Forces provided a detailed explanation on the international circumstances surrounding the escalation, and the Turkish aggression that targeted the areas of Tal Tamer, Zirkan, Manbij, Kobani and Al-Shahbaa during the last period. The General Command of the SDF explained the recent international circumstances and their impact and the relentless attempts of the Turkish government seeking to benefit from contradictions, and the Command of the SDF confirmed its full readiness, and taking all necessary field measures that enhance the possibilities of the long-term resistance.

The meeting members stressed that any military operation by Turkey is a condemned operation in all its forms, and it aims to occupy other parts of the Syrian territory, and it will cause another humanitarian disaster. The meeting members warned that it will undermine the capabilities of the SDF to continue its campaigns in the fight against terrorism, as the SDF’s preoccupation with a military front with Turkey in the North means giving the chance for the terrorist ISIS to activate its cells and endanger the international security again, and the Turkish intervention will turn the region again into an arena that attracts various extremist members, as well as the Turkish military operation will leave devastating impacts on the humanitarian situation, will cause a real catastrophe and a large displacement among civilians, will increase complexity of the overall humanitarian situation in the region, and will lead to end all efforts and initiatives aimed at reaching a political resolution in accordance with the relevant UN resolutions and references.

The meeting members also focused on the importance of diplomatic efforts and the stability of international positions in preventing any further Turkish intervention, not causing the loss of peace opportunities and enhancing stability in the areas liberated from ISIS, as Turkey seeks to compensate for its diplomatic loos, the public support and the economic crisis at the expense of the peoples of northern and eastern Syria. Everyone urged the importance of international powers not to give up to the demands of the Turkish state, which seeks to convince them that the campaign will be limited and short-term, knowing that all previous campaigns were limited but caused the migration of millions of people in the region.

The participants pointed out the importance of the role of the members of social components, the members of clans and various powers and political parties that have shown courage in enduring the various harsh conditions witnessed in the region and have remained committed to their right to live with dignity in their homeland and refused to be a tool and pretext by the occupation. They called on the people in northern and eastern Syria to unite and confront the projects aimed at eliminating their security and future. They stressed that the main factor in the failure of these plans is the will of the masses, which alone can defeat the occupation and its projects.

The participants considered the Turkish threats a great danger where all Syrian powers and Syrians, including the Syrian army, must cooperate in order to stand together united in confronting these threats, especially threats essentially target the unity of Syria and eliminate the values of coexistence among its people.

In conclusion, the meeting members called on all National Democratic Powers in Syria to express their positions rejecting the Turkish occupation, as the League of Arab States and the Gulf Cooperation Council are invited to support Syrians in their war against terrorism and reject the Turkish occupation of their country as a project aimed at seizing parts of Syria, dividing its people and turning its north into a platform belonging to Turkey through which it threatens security and stability throughout the region.
They also appealed to international and human rights institutions to follow Turkey’s policies and its violations of international laws, covenants and charters, including forced displacement, settlement and destructive occupation, and to work to take serious and practical positions on such practices. We also stress the need for an important role for civil and community powers and institutions, and for there to be a strong solidarity among all these parties.

On June 12th, 2022
– The Syrian Democratic Council
– The Syrian Democratic Forces
– The Autonomous Administration of north-eastern Syria



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